Asia shares rose on Thursday, helped by a jump in their Chinese counterparts on Beijing’s latest measures to shore up its crumbling stock market, while elsewhere, investors continued to have their eyes on U.S. President Donald Trump’s policy plans.
China on Thursday announced a plan to guide hundreds of billions of yuan of new capital from state-owned insurers into stocks each year, in a sign of Beijing’s concern about sagging Chinese stocks, which surged on the back of the announcements.
The CSI300 blue-chip index advanced 1.47% shortly after the open, while the Shanghai Composite Index jumped 1.62%.
Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index similarly gained more than 1%.
“The persistent underperformance of China equities is a barometer of the country’s fundamental economic difficulties, along with falling bond yields,” said Alvin Tan, head of Asia FX strategy at RBC Capital Markets.